Saturday, February 27, 2010

Customer Satisfaction from an Organizational High level Point of view

As consumers, our experiences with businesses that provide us with goods and/or services determine the future of our relationships with these firms. It is not a mystery; bad customer experience will lead to loss of revenues. But, what are modern organizations doing to ensure that their customers are not turning their backs to their businesses because of poor service? I have attempted to research this topic, and have come across several interesting on-going efforts to raise the level of service provided to consumers.
Training appears to be at the forefront of every major attempt to raise the level of service provided to consumers. The second major effort is the incorporation of customer service clauses in the organizations' mission and vision statements. Now, are these efforts truly impacting the end user? Additional research may be necessary to demonstrate the value derived from these investments. Perhaps organizations around the world should focus on the hiring of individuals that are legitimately, and naturally skilled with the need to satisfy every stakeholder they come in contact with. Can these personality traits be identified through the use of psychological hiring tests? Or, should the firm shift its efforts to highlight the processes and employee-customer interactions that are in fact delivering the expected level of satisfaction, and then formulate a competitive strategy around these competencies?

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